Parallelix : CAP Interactive

Cap Interactivei2S's interactive CAP software makes application programming simple. This tool lets you select and adjust settings for each functional block of the HORIZON board in its operating environment.

The configuration of each element is saved in files downloaded by the user program.
By reading files previously saved on disk, you can create and quickly test your configuration in a new environment. A capture window displays the image after enhancement and processing.

CAP is an easy-to-use tool that reduces application development time on the HORIZON board.


The easy-to-use CAP software lets you select and download configurations found on disk. It helps you during debugging by testing your settings, even without a user program. The file extension identifies the area configured on the HORIZON board.

CAP's capture menu creates a window containing the image output by the HORIZON board. You can quickly confirm the validity of the selected settings.
Two display modes are available:

  • profile:
    the captured image is viewed as a line profile in a window under WINDOWS. This display mode allows a precise analysis of the gray scales of each pixel of the image line.
  • image:
    the image is displayed in a window under WINDOWS by recreating an array of gray scales.

CAP features a list of predefined functions to configure the computing operator. Several functions can be combined if suitable for your application. Using your own computing functions customizes your image processing, taking advantage of the flexibility of the programmable hardware operators. Each processing operator is configured independently with operating mode, comparison thresholds, etc....

Flat Field Correction:
CAP will help you to automatically setup the Flat Field Correction Law to normalize the signal of the camera and correct the PRNU. Three different computation methods are available depending on the application.

  • i2S Linescan 中国代表处将参加第十二届上海国际非织造材料展览会暨研讨会

    2007年10月22-24日:i2S Linescan中国代表处将参加第十二届上海国际非织造材料展览会暨研讨会。


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